Sunday, August 17, 2008



Gujarat is prone to disasters like earthquakes due to its geographical location and also flash floods during the rainy season. Immediately after the devastating earthquake in Gujarat in January 2001, NGO’s rushed to the aid of the affected people. Similarly during the floods of Surat, a lot of NGO’s played an active role in providing relief to the people. Even during the recent Ahmedabad bomb blasts, NGO’s played a very active role in providing emergency services to the injured.

Our Syndicate works in cooperation with all the renowned NGOs working in the area of providing relief to the people in emergency situations. We have a tie up with 108 to provide emergency services to people in case of accidents. We have also tied with NGOs who are actively working in and around Ahmedabad to provide relief to the people in case of emergencies. We see to it that these NGO’s don’t face any hurdles in their operations be it their finances or the operation part. We see to it that they regularly get funds and proper exposure which keep their activities running smoothly.


Even though the Gujarat is considered as one of the Industrialised states of the country, the level of education is quite underdeveloped. The state lacks in basic infrastructure to provide education especially in the rural areas and slums. There are various NGO’s who are working to provide education in rural areas. There are NGO’s who are constantly proving education in the slums and backward areas of Ahmedabad. We work with these NGO’s to arrange for their funding as they are associated with one of the noblest causes to provide eduction to poor children, a section which is quite still quite backward in this sector. Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life: means, because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one's awareness on a range of issues.


Gujarat is considered one of the most developed states of the country. A lot of NGO’s are working in close collaboration with DRDA and other state government organisation for bringing all-round development of the state. We aim to provide a well developed platform for these NGO’s so that they can work in close coordination with the state and district officials and there is no problem in sourcing of funds for them from the government.


Due to rapid industrialisation and urbanisation in and around Ahmedabad, the condition of the environment has deteoriated rapidly over the past few years. The government has tried to bring in some reforms in this area, but it needs active participation from the masses to improve the condition of the environment. A lot of NGO’s are working in this area. They are educating people of the benefits of a clean and green city. They are teaching people of importance of using CNG in their vehicles and how it is going to benefit them individually and the society as a whole. A lot of NGO’s are planting saplings in some notified areas and are also working for the maintenance of some local parks and some roundabouts in the city. We constantly try to provide these NGO’s with whatever help they need like government clearance, funds, and saplings from good nurseries. Their constant efforts are certainly showing some good signs. Some parks are very well maintained and the greenery quotient of the city has started to improve lately. Even the citizens are more aware today towards their responsibility to the environment due to the camps organised by these NGO’s

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