Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fund generation strategy

Strategy for fund generation
Inform them regarding arrangement of annual function by “Sevabhav” in town audoturiumet
1. Arrange for entertainment programmes which will bring funds for the syndicate. Even some local musicians, dancers can be promoted through these programmes. The cost of operating the programmes would be less and earnings can be good.
Annually, we can arrange for various big programmes ranging from 5-10. At these programmes we can invite some good names from the entertainment industry. Even the good performers can be readied for performing in these functions for a noble cause.
2. Target Corporate: Ahmadabad is a business hub where a lot of industries are located. All these corporate would have their own CSR activities and funds allocated for the same. We have to develop a good relationship with these corporate. We have to show them that the funding we receive from them is optimally utilized. Also we will have to target those Corporate who have good CSR spending once we get attached with big corporate, our visibility and recognition will certainly increase.
3. Individual Donations: It is not difficult to find individual donators in a commercial city like Ahmedabad. Small donations in a large numbers will add up to the total funding of the syndicate. There will be various businessmen who will be ready to give funds. But we will have to show the utilization of funds because small donators value their money more from the corporate. Also we can go for getting donations from individual households by way of going to individual persons. This will broaden our reach to individual masses and also increase our visibility between people.
4. Donation Box At temples and commercial institutions: putting donations at temples and Commercial Institutions have emerged as a new method to generate funds for the syndicate. Effluent customers don’t minding putting into Rs. 10 or more into these donation boxes. These small donations will add up to the total funds for the syndicate. It will also give more visibility to the syndicate as a large number of people visit temple regularly. Also the location in malls and shopping complexes will have a deep impact on the awareness about the syndicate.

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