Saturday, August 23, 2008

Strategy for Operation

Strategy for Operations
This part is very important as it is the basis for strategy implementation and execution.
1. Selection of Partner NGOs: proper screening should be done before attaching any NGO with the syndicate. The work profile and the projects the NGO has so far implemented must be studied carefully. In India, it has been a trend that many NGOs vanish after they get funds from the government. A large number of NGOs are blacklisted every year due to the malpractices. If we attach reputed NGOs with our syndicate, it will surely make our job quite easy in terms of visibility and sourcing of funds. But even if one of the NGOs gets blacklisted, it will be a very big setback for the syndicate in its initial year of operation. So this is one of the most important aspects of Operational Efficiency.
2. Prioritization in distribution of funds: the fund distribution among the various NGOs is a very big problem in itself. The Syndicate will have to decide the problem that it wants to tackle first so that there is proper allocation of funds. In the initial years this is going to be a major issue as the fund inflow will be less. Suppose the syndicate wants to concentrate on child development in the initial years. In that case it will have to divert more of its finances to those NGOs who are working for development of children especially in slums. So a proper strategy has to evolve in the initial years regarding distribution of funds. After few years of operation, it can have a pool of resources. In that case then it be more relaxed in distribution of funds. Also in this case the will of the financers should also be taken into account because in a large number of cases the financers want to provide funds for a particular type of projects.
3. Measuring Efficiency: Measurement of efficiency is one of the most important aspects in the initial years of the operation of an NGO syndicate. Since the Syndicate operates on funds provided by others, if the fund is not utilized properly and efficiently, then in that case the financers will stop financing the Syndic ate in the future. The good work done by the syndicate should be visible to all the financers as this will induce them to contribute more and also attach more financers. Also all the NGOs attached with the syndicate should be asked to provide details of all the projects undertaken by them and the beneficiaries of the projects. This will show the level of transparency existing in the organization and the progress report should be regularly send to all the financers so that they are aware of the projects their money is being spent into.

Fund generation strategy

Strategy for fund generation
Inform them regarding arrangement of annual function by “Sevabhav” in town audoturiumet
1. Arrange for entertainment programmes which will bring funds for the syndicate. Even some local musicians, dancers can be promoted through these programmes. The cost of operating the programmes would be less and earnings can be good.
Annually, we can arrange for various big programmes ranging from 5-10. At these programmes we can invite some good names from the entertainment industry. Even the good performers can be readied for performing in these functions for a noble cause.
2. Target Corporate: Ahmadabad is a business hub where a lot of industries are located. All these corporate would have their own CSR activities and funds allocated for the same. We have to develop a good relationship with these corporate. We have to show them that the funding we receive from them is optimally utilized. Also we will have to target those Corporate who have good CSR spending once we get attached with big corporate, our visibility and recognition will certainly increase.
3. Individual Donations: It is not difficult to find individual donators in a commercial city like Ahmedabad. Small donations in a large numbers will add up to the total funding of the syndicate. There will be various businessmen who will be ready to give funds. But we will have to show the utilization of funds because small donators value their money more from the corporate. Also we can go for getting donations from individual households by way of going to individual persons. This will broaden our reach to individual masses and also increase our visibility between people.
4. Donation Box At temples and commercial institutions: putting donations at temples and Commercial Institutions have emerged as a new method to generate funds for the syndicate. Effluent customers don’t minding putting into Rs. 10 or more into these donation boxes. These small donations will add up to the total funds for the syndicate. It will also give more visibility to the syndicate as a large number of people visit temple regularly. Also the location in malls and shopping complexes will have a deep impact on the awareness about the syndicate.

Web Page

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008



General Advertisement for Donation

Recruitment Advertisement

For this Advertisement, we have decided on a Green Color background because of its being close to environment and positive approach. It seems catchy and in sync with the objectives of the NGO’s.

The name Seva Bhav is again written in Green with tag line in yellow, for a similar reason. All the contact details and about the company is written for information in black for proper visibility on green background.


The organization was founded by Dhiraj Kumar, Gunjan Gupta, Nalin Saurav, Navneet Singh Pannu, Utkarsha Singh, Vikash Singh in July 2008, They were passionate about working to improve life in the Ahmedabad and across the country. Under his direction, AIESEC trainees and other staff from within the Seva Bhava are dedicated to the development of this NGO which itself is a syndicate of all the NO presently working in Ahmedabad. We carry out many activities with the help of sponsors and volunteers in order to change the living environment in the Seva Bhav. The daily work is organized by the management team below.

Mr Vikash Singh is the Chairman. He heads the whole NGO, and is responsible for all of its staff. All decisions related to the development of the syndicate, and partnerships between it and other organizations must have his approval. He is responsible for presenting the NGO, such as our values, vision and operations. In addition, he is the main contact inside the Seva Bhav.

Assistants: Trainees
The AIESEC trainees are responsible for the operation of NGO on behalf of Mr Chairman. The job focuses on mentoring and coaching both staff and volunteers within the NGO in order to achieve expected goals, such as fund raising, searching for suitable participants for our various activities, realising partnerships and creating and implementing projects. The duration of each traineeship should be at least six months. The trainees arrange daily work for the following four departments:

1. Finance (headed By Gunjan Gupta, MBA Finance, B.Sc Ind Chem
And By Utkarsha Telang, MBA Finance, B.Sc Zoology )
Fund Raising is the most important part of this position. With the information from the public relations department, he/she contacts the sponsors. The documents shown to the sponsors should be prepared by him/her in advance. He/she is also the accountant of NGO, controlling the finances of the NGO, including creating the budget for our activities. Any expenditure must be approved by both the individual responsible for Finance and the chairman.

2. Human resources (headed By Shraddha Singh , MBA HR, B Tech)
He/she takes charge of recruitment, following training and support for volunteers. In addition, the schedule of different activities should be listed by him in advance. He/she also supervises the work of volunteers in order to guarantee the quality of every activity. If any volunteers have problems, they can turn to him/her. Through regular discussion with the local coordinator, he/she is responsible for creating new projects to encourage volunteer participation.

3. Public relations (headed By Dhiraj Kumar, MBA, B tech Chemical)
He/she spends a large part of time setting up new partnerships, and finding opportunities for the NGO to develop itself. Partners include universities, governments, companies and other NGOs. He/she organizes various promotional activities to present the NGO, and distributes information about the synidate NGO’s in order to make us more well-known. Searching for potential sponsors and volunteers is an important part of this position since it deeply affects the financial and human resources departments. When they find any organizations and volunteers interested in our NGO, they should ask the related department to do the further communication and follow the formal procedure.

4. Local coordinator (headed By Nalin Saurav, MBA Mrktng, BA Economics)
He/she is responsible for the people working in Seva Bhav. He/she should have excellent communication with the people of Seva Bhav, and create various surveys so that the NGO knows what the community needs. His/her job focuses on building a database of personal information for the Seva Bhav, from which the other departments can draw the necessary statistics to organize activities and choose suitable participants. In addition, he/she needs to obtain feedback from all of the participants in order to guarantee the quality of the service.
Contact Us
If you wish to get further information on substantive issues, obtain promotional materials or documentation about Seva Bhav, send articles or simply comment on our web site, please use the Feedback Form or contact:
Seva Bhav
1818 H Street,
Ahmedabad, INDIA

Telephone: (+91 79) 23245666
Fax: (+91 79) 23245777

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008


A large number of NGOs are now involved in microfinance and more are making the move towards it; some even converting their finance operations to banks. With the help of Non Government Organisation (NGOs), individuals can be organised under Self Help Groups (SHGs) for the purpose of on-lending from financial institutions. Also, linkages can be established for networking with these SHGs with the formal banking sector.
The approach would focus on identifying micro finance institute (MFI) as long tern partners and providing credit support for their micro credit initiatives. The MFIs may be well-organised Non Government Organisation (NGO) with good networks or other micro finance organisations. The MFIs would be selected on the basis of their credibility, track record, professional expertise and management practices, credit rating, field visits etc.

Many non-government organisations (NGOs) are involved in the socio-economic and environmental development programmes in Ahmedabad, supplementing the government's effort in these areas. The majority of their target groups, the urban poor, lack proper housing. Though an improved housing situation would have positive effects on other programmes as in income generation and health, the NGOs have not been widely involved in urban housing. Their involvement in the housing programmes was recommended in the recent policies of the government, as the government realises the absurdity of solving the enormous housing problem on its own. Ahmedabad is witnessing a large influx of migrant population both from within Gujarat and other states of the country. NGO’s will have to play an active role in providing basic facilities for the people living in slums like sewage, toilets, etc. Also it can work for community housing programmes. We will surely use our corporate networks to get funding for these projects as this will change the face of the city and will present a good outlook to the visitors.

The condition of basic health infrastructure is not so good not only in the case of Gujarat but the whole of India. NGO’s can certainly aid the government in providing basic health facilities especially to the poorer sections of the society. Various medical camps are organised by the NGO’s in the slum areas to provide treatment for various common diseases. Specials camps are being organised by the NGO’s to lay emphasis on the eradication of diseases like Polio, Tuberculosis, Malaria, etc. which are quite prevalent among the slums. Also recently NGO’s have started working on various programmes to create awareness about the deadly AIDS which can easily target people from the strata of the society. We basically aim at providing funds to the various health programmes undertaken by the NGO’s. We also try to coordinate the activities of these NGO’s with the District Health department so that various health awareness programmes can be effectively implemented.



Gujarat is prone to disasters like earthquakes due to its geographical location and also flash floods during the rainy season. Immediately after the devastating earthquake in Gujarat in January 2001, NGO’s rushed to the aid of the affected people. Similarly during the floods of Surat, a lot of NGO’s played an active role in providing relief to the people. Even during the recent Ahmedabad bomb blasts, NGO’s played a very active role in providing emergency services to the injured.

Our Syndicate works in cooperation with all the renowned NGOs working in the area of providing relief to the people in emergency situations. We have a tie up with 108 to provide emergency services to people in case of accidents. We have also tied with NGOs who are actively working in and around Ahmedabad to provide relief to the people in case of emergencies. We see to it that these NGO’s don’t face any hurdles in their operations be it their finances or the operation part. We see to it that they regularly get funds and proper exposure which keep their activities running smoothly.


Even though the Gujarat is considered as one of the Industrialised states of the country, the level of education is quite underdeveloped. The state lacks in basic infrastructure to provide education especially in the rural areas and slums. There are various NGO’s who are working to provide education in rural areas. There are NGO’s who are constantly proving education in the slums and backward areas of Ahmedabad. We work with these NGO’s to arrange for their funding as they are associated with one of the noblest causes to provide eduction to poor children, a section which is quite still quite backward in this sector. Education is both the means as well as the end to a better life: means, because it empowers an individual to earn his/her livelihood and the end because it increases one's awareness on a range of issues.


Gujarat is considered one of the most developed states of the country. A lot of NGO’s are working in close collaboration with DRDA and other state government organisation for bringing all-round development of the state. We aim to provide a well developed platform for these NGO’s so that they can work in close coordination with the state and district officials and there is no problem in sourcing of funds for them from the government.


Due to rapid industrialisation and urbanisation in and around Ahmedabad, the condition of the environment has deteoriated rapidly over the past few years. The government has tried to bring in some reforms in this area, but it needs active participation from the masses to improve the condition of the environment. A lot of NGO’s are working in this area. They are educating people of the benefits of a clean and green city. They are teaching people of importance of using CNG in their vehicles and how it is going to benefit them individually and the society as a whole. A lot of NGO’s are planting saplings in some notified areas and are also working for the maintenance of some local parks and some roundabouts in the city. We constantly try to provide these NGO’s with whatever help they need like government clearance, funds, and saplings from good nurseries. Their constant efforts are certainly showing some good signs. Some parks are very well maintained and the greenery quotient of the city has started to improve lately. Even the citizens are more aware today towards their responsibility to the environment due to the camps organised by these NGO’s

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


1.To develop Vocational centers across the country to provide employable skills and job
placements to different communities .
2.Community based capacity building and local initiative for disaster preparedness and
vulnerability reduction.
3.To enable people to take responsibility for the situation of the deprived Indian child and so
motivating them to confront the situation through collective action thereby giving the child and
themselves an opportunity to realize their full potential.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Visiting CArd

Organization Structure & Job Describtion

The organization was founded on 22 nd july 2008. We are passionate to improve life in the Ahmadabad and across the country. Under his direction, AIESEC trainees and other staff from within the Seva Bhava are dedicated to the development of this NGO which itself is a syndicate of all the NGO's presently working in Ahmadabad. We carry out many activities with the help of sponsors and volunteers in order to change the living environment . The daily work is organized by the management team below.

Mr Chairman heads the whole NGO, and is responsible for all of its staff. All decisions related to the development of the syndicate, and partnerships between it and other organizations must have his approval. He is responsible for presenting the NGO, such as our values, vision and operations. In addition, he is the main contact inside the Seva Bhav.

Assistants: Trainees
The AIESEC trainees are responsible for the operation of NGO on behalf of Mr Chairman. The job focuses on mentoring and coaching both staff and volunteers within the NGO in order to achieve expected goals, such as fund raising, searching for suitable participants for our various activities, realising partnerships and creating and implementing projects. The duration of each traineeship should be at least six months. The trainees arrange daily work for the following four departments:

1. Finance
Fund Raising is the most important part of this position. With the information from the public relations department, he/she contacts the sponsors. The documents shown to the sponsors should be prepared by him/her in advance. He/she is also the accountant of NGO, controlling the finances of the NGO, including creating the budget for our activities. Any expenditure must be approved by both the individual responsible for Finance and the chairman.

2. Human resources
He/she takes charge of recruitment, following training and support for volunteers. In addition, the schedule of different activities should be listed by him in advance. He/she also supervises the work of volunteers in order to guarantee the quality of every activity. If any volunteers have problems, they can turn to him/her. Through regular discussion with the local coordinator, he/she is responsible for creating new projects to encourage volunteer participation.

3. Public relations
He/she spends a large part of time setting up new partnerships, and finding opportunities for the NGO to develop itself. Partners include universities, governments, companies and other NGOs. He/she organizes various promotional activities to present the NGO, and distributes information about the synidate NGO’s in order to make us more well-known. Searching for potential sponsors and volunteers is an important part of this position since it deeply affects the financial and human resources departments. When they find any organizations and volunteers interested in our NGO, they should ask the related department to do the further communication and follow the formal procedure.

4. Local coordinator
He/she is responsible for the people working in Seva Bhav. He/she should have excellent communication with the people of Seva Bhav, and create various surveys so that the NGO knows what the community needs. His/her job focuses on building a database of personal information for the Seva Bhav, from which the other departments can draw the necessary statistics to organize activities and choose suitable participants. In addition, he/she needs to obtain feedback from all of the participants in order to guarantee the quality of the service.

Contact Us

If you wish to get further information on substantive issues, obtain promotional materials or documentation about Seva Bhav, send articles or simply comment on our web site, please use the Feedback Form or contact:

Seva Bhav
1818 H Street,
Ahmedabad, INDIA

Telephone: (+91 79) 23245666
Fax: (+91 79) 23245777

Thursday, August 7, 2008



What is SEVA BHAV?
SEVA BHAV is a syndicate of all the NGOs located in Ahmedabad. On 22nd of July 2008 , group member set together to discuss the overall objective of project and how to acheive it. At the same time we were looking for suitable name for our NGO syndicate. Lots of alternative name was available with us like Sankalp, Vijay, Sarthi & Sevabhav. But after careful evaluation of names,our group unanimously zeroed down on SEVABHAV. Purpose behind selection of this name was that the word Sevabhav is catchy and it reflects the meaning of NGO.

Broadening, consolidating and strengthening the network of local NGOs and providing a virtual forum for bridging cooperation among them.
Highlighting and disseminating views, experiences and projects of NGOs and publicizing their work in order to increase the visibility of the contribution made by those NGOs to the development of the society.
Enhancing cooperation and networking among NGOs in Ahmedabad by facilitating the generation, dissemination and sharing of information activities in and outside India relevant to the enhancement and betterment of their organizations.
Encouraging the international and national community to be better acquainted with activities of NGOs in Ahmedabad and support them.

We are here to establish an excellent medium for the participation and exchange of trusted and accurate source of information to all those who are committed to the sustainable development initiatives, in response to the needs of under privileged sectors of the society.